Assoc. Prof. Dr. Filiz YARICI
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Filiz YARICI
Department of Midwifery
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She completed her undergraduate education at Mersin University (Midwifery) in 2004, her master's degree at Çukurova University Health Sciences Institute (Midwifery) in 2010, and her doctorate at Istanbul University Health Sciences Institute (Women's Health and Diseases Nursing Department) in 2016. Between 2004 and 2006, she worked at Başkent University Adana Turgut Noyan Research and Application Center, Gynecology Department. Between 2006 and 2017, she worked in the Health House, Health Center, Community Health Center, Provincial Health Directorate, District State Hospital and Family Medicine units affiliated with Adana Provincial Health Directorate. She has participated in many international and national congresses, symposiums and meetings related to her field, and has also chaired many meetings, symposiums and congresses. Since March 2017, she has been successfully serving as the Head of the Midwifery Department of the Near East University Faculty of Health Sciences and the Deputy Director of the School of Health Sciences. She has been involved in associations related to midwifery and has also taken part in professional organization activities on many platforms.

Click for academic CV: Filiz Yarıcı